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Hana Shoes White Ultra Drop

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Sale price€136,50 Regular price€195,00


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Winter Sales
Discounts end in:
list - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Model: Hana

tshirt - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Product: Scarpe

colours - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Color: Bianco

sewing - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Pattern: Multicolore

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Tutte le Stagioni

textile - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Material: Viscosa

user - Fabbrica Ski Sises

Gender: Unisex

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Id Eight

Id Eight

Scopri ID EIGHT, il brand rivoluzionario di sneakers ecosostenibili. Nato dall'unione di Dong Seon Lee e Giuliana Borzillo, offre calzature di alta qualità con un tocco degli anni '90. Realizzate in Italia, queste sneakers uniscono design ricercato e materiali riciclati, come bucce di mela e coto...

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Discover more about us

The business was founded in Biella (Italy) in 1920 as a manufacturer of skis and sleds, but over the years it has become a point of reference for sports and sportswear enthusiasts.

Today we are no longer manufacturers but retailers of the most sought-after brands.

We collaborate with leading companies and excellent craftsmen, selecting the best clothing for an unparalleled experience both in the city and in outdoor activities.